Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

French-German ANR project Pergram (2009 – 2011)

Participant : Benoît Sagot.

The Pergram project (French-German ANR/DFG project) is lead by Pollet Samvelian (University Paris 3). Its goal is the description of central phenomena in Persian and the development of a non-trivial grammar fragment in the framework of HPSG. The development of this grammar will benefit from the expertise of the German side on phenomena that are not found in French or English, such as scrambling, but will also deal with Persian-specific phenomena such as complex noun-verb predicates. In parallel, the project includes the development of various lexical resources, thanks in part to techniques and tools developed by Alpage members within the Alexina framework: (i) a full form lexicon of verbs and common nouns, for which a first version is now available, (ii) valency frames for verbs (iii) the most common Light Verb Constructions (LVCs) and including idiomatic preverb light verb combinations.

French-Slovene bilateral project “Building Slovene-French Linguistic Ressources” (2010 – 2011)

Participant : Benoît Sagot [principal investigator, jointly with Mojca Schlamberger-Brezar] .

The objective of this project, jointly lead by Benoît Sagot (Alpage) and Mojca Schlamberger-Brezar (University of Ljubljana) is the development of multilingual linguistic resources for Slovene and French. The French funding is provided by EGIDE. The project is organized around two main goals: the development of a French-Slovene aligned and morphosyntactically annotated corpus, and the extension using semi-automatic techniques (automatic and manual validation construction) of the WOLF and of SloWNet, the wordnets for both languages. All these resources will be made available to the community by a distribution under a free license (e.g., LGPL-LR).